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Social Events

What can we offer you?


Bar - see the drop down menu for opening times

Bands - We have a band most months and on special events

Quiz nights - Every Wednesday Evening throughout the winter months

Summer Ball - One of the biggest events of the social calendar

New Years Eve Party - DJ or band and party all night

Ladies Night - Meal prepared by The Whe Hey Cafe and served by

the men of the club

Children's Events and Parties - Craft days, cadet BBQ, 

St Georges Day 2016 & 2017 - Turners Pie, Mash & Mushy Peas

Presentation Evenings - Rewarding and recognising winners

Halloween Party - Fancy Dress with a DJ or a Band


Plus many more events 


Private Parties - You can hire the club for a private party or event.

Deposit: £150. Cost: Members £25, Non-members £150


Charity no. CH4324

There are no strangers at our club,

just friends you haven't met yet.

Bognor Regis Yacht Club 1949 - 2016. Proudly created with

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