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Youth Sailing and Water Activities


Would you like to experience the fun of the sea and learn how to sail?


Why not come and learn at BRSC this summer?




















Cadet week was very popular last year and will be running again this year from 30thJuly - 3rd August


You can contact our Cadet leaders - 

Danielle and Toby via the club email 

or email our Principal Trainer on

or alternatively pop in the club or call us on 01243 865735 


Danielle is our Cadet Girl Captain
Toby is our Cadet Boy Captain

Cadet Week 2018 is 30th July - 3rd August

Click on the image above for our 5 day  Cadet week application form.

Cost is: £90 Members / £115 Non-member (lunch not provided) 


Click below for RYA Youth course application form.

Cost is: £75 Members / £95 Non-members.


Also below is the 'Non-Course' Cadet form for members to complete before the 1st session they attend.

Charity no. CH4324

There are no strangers at our club,

just friends you haven't met yet.

Bognor Regis Yacht Club 1949 - 2016. Proudly created with

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